Learn by Fasting, Sacrifice, and Self Denial
The first step towards becoming a member and joining the lodge is to be elected in and now it's time to partake in your Ordeal ceremony. Below you will learn when we will be offering ceremonies, how to sign up, what to bring, and more.
Your election is the first step in your induction into the Order of the Arrow. The next step will be the Ordeal. The Ordeal is a test of your strength and will. The Ordeal is not a test to see if you are worthy of membership in the Order. By being elected by your unit, you've passed that test already.
The Ordeal is an intensive leadership development exercise designed to demonstrate to the candidate the values on which Scouting and the Order of the Arrow are based. After completing the Ordeal a Scout becomes a member of the lodge and is entitled to seal his membership through the Brotherhood Ceremony. Candidates should select a date when they can complete the entire Ordeal without interruption. If the candidate chooses the week that he is at camp he will not be released for merit badges or troop responsibilities.
Ordeal check-in For all Ordeals this year, Ordeals candidates must check-in no earlier than 7:00 PM and no later than 7:30 PM on Friday night.
During the Ordeal you will be expected to do physical labor, this may involve lifting, walking, reaching, and other strenuous activity. If you are physically incapable of performing these activities, please contact the Ordealmaster, and we will make adjustments according to your abilities.
The Ordeal fee is $55.00. This covers the cost of supplies and the cool stuff you get in your Member Packet. Some units require the scout to pay; others cover the cost from the unit budget. Please do not pay at the council office or at the camp office. Please Pay using the online registration system. If you are worried that you cannot afford the Ordeal fee, we have a scholarship program that will cover some of the cost if you are eligible. Please contact your Scoutmaster for details.
The Ordeal will be finished at 9:00 AM on Sunday. Please make arrangements to be picked up by the dining hall or the Brown Pavilion. If you can not attend the entire Ordeal in full, please choose another date to complete your Ordeal. You will not be allowed to remain for the Ordeal if you do not bring a valid, signed BSA medical form with you.
While there are no secret ceremonies in Scouting (in accordance with National Policy) we HIGHLY DISCOURAGE nonmembers from attending ceremonies, as you may be going through it at some time in the future. Pictures of any kind are not permitted during ceremonies but may be taken afterward. If you have any other questions, please contact us at ordeal@marnoc.org.
-You'll need to pack for 2 nights of camping. You'll need to carry what you bring so pack lightly and properly. What you bring is up to you, but here's a brief list of things that you should remember...
Parts A & B of the BSA Medical Forms
Any medications (Kept in the original bottle, in a bag with your name on it)
Work clothes and work gloves
Full BSA Field Uniform
Sleeping gear and ground tarp (you will be spending 1 night outside)
Water bottle
Sunscreen and Bug spray
Personal first aid kit
Rain gear
A backpack that can fit all of the above
Shower equipment (towel, soap, shampoo, etc)
Here are a few things you should not bring:
Cell Phones, iPods, video game devices
Sheath Knives
wheeled luggage
Things you do not wish to get dirty, wet, or left in the sun.
Ordeal Dates/Locations
To Register for your ordeal please sign into your member portal. Only duly elected candidates of Marnoc Lodge have access to the member portal.
If you have not received access to your member portal please contact membership@marnoc.org.