Unit Representatives
Order of the Arrow Unit Representative and The Order of the Arrow Unit Adviser
The Order of the Arrow Troop Representative is a youth serving their troop as the primary liaison to the troop’s lodge or chapter. They meet the units' needs by providing a communication and programmatic link to and from all Arrowmen, Scouts who are not presently members of the Order, and adult leaders. These efforts are meant to assist the unit and its members in achieving the mission of the Boy Scouts of America, and at the same time fulfilling the lodge’s role in the Strategic Plan of the Order of the Arrow of being an integral part of the council. By setting a good example, they will enhance the image of the Order as a service arm to their unit.
To be recognized by the Lodge as an Order of the Arrow unit representative complete the following form and turn it in to your Chapter Chief at your next Chapter Meeting.
The role of a unit representative is critical to the success of any Scouting unit. As the main liaison between the unit and the larger Scouting organization, unit representatives provide vital support and resources to ensure the unit is running smoothly and achieving its goals. To help unit representatives carry out their responsibilities effectively, we have created the Unit Representative Support Pack.
This guidebook provides valuable information and resources to help unit representatives understand their role, responsibilities, and best practices. It includes tips for effective communication, guidance on how to engage and support unit leaders, and resources to help unit representatives stay informed about updates and changes in the Scouting program.
With the Unit Representative Support Pack, unit representatives will have everything they need to provide Cheerful Service and support their units in achieving success.
Download the OA Unit Representative Support Pack
What is a OA Unit Representative?
Take the Training today. Learn what a OA Unit Representative is and their responsibilities. The the bound of brotherhood between the Lodge and your Unit. Take the first steps today. Complete the Training and sign up as a OA Unit Representative today!
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