Lodge Executive Committee

The Lodge Executive Committee is made up of many young arrowmen, whose goal is to better the lodge. These arrowmen have taken up chairmanships to help run certain aspects of the lodge. Each chairman is managed by an elected lodge officer. Each chairmanship will be located under the officer.

If you are interested in any of the Vacant Positions you can send an E-mail to the Chief at chief@marnoc.org about which position you are interested in filling.


Activities Chairmen - Agnes W.

Training Chairmen - Vacant

Service & Trails Chairmen - OPEN

Admonition Chairmen - Elizabeth N.

Bernadette W.

Communications Chairmen - Mason W .

Membership Chairmen - Brandon G .

Jack M.

Merchandise Chairmen - Charlie M.

Conclave Coordinator - Corey T.

NOAC Chairmen - Billy B.