
We Build Upon The Fire

Why Brotherhood?

It is said, "that in the Ordeal, the Order of the Arrow accepts the new member. In the Brotherhood, the individual accepts the lodge and the ideals of the Order." As an Ordeal member of the lodge, service to the troop is of utmost importance. Brotherhood membership in the lodge can be obtained after completing 6 months as an ordeal member, and gaining an understanding of the lodge program. Advancement to the Brotherhood membership is a personal decision, and we recommend that you look over the information on the website and then refer to your OA member handbook for even greater detailed information.

The requirements for Brotherhood Membership:


Paid Ordeal Members interested in becoming Brotherhood members will have the opportunity to do so at each of our three Fellowship weekends throughout the year (dates listed below).

Brotherhood Candidates at Manatoc will register with the Fellowship at the Trading Post. You must arrive in full field uniform, with your Ordeal sash. The cost for the Brotherhood ceremony is $25.00 and is payable through the online registration system.

While only members of Marnoc Lodge, who wish to seal their Brotherhood membership, may go through the ceremony, current Brotherhood or Vigil members are encouraged to attend and participate as spectators in the ceremony; of these members those wishing to assist setting the ceremony up should sign up here LINK.

Understanding the following information will be important to experience the Brotherhood Honor:

The Letter: 

When you have reviewed the above items, think about what you have learned, done, and planned to do. Then you should write your letter to the Lodge Secretary. If you would like to attain your Brotherhood Membership you must write a letter to the Lodge Secretary while including the following:  Explain what you think the Obligation means.  Describe how you have been fulfilling this obligation in your troop or team and in your daily life, and how you have used your understanding of the ordeal to aid in this service.  Describe your specific plans for giving service in the lodge program.

To gain a better understanding of the Ordeal review these questions:

Consult the OA Handbook Pages 58-64 on preparing for Brotherhood membership in light of the signs of the Ordeal.

Brotherhood Dates/Locations

To Register for your ordeal please sign into your member portal.

If you have not received access to your member portal please contact